PinnedMedium No Longer Thinks it Has to Pay Writers the “Cheese Tax”The rules are always changing and the writers always lose2d ago172d ago17
PinnedPublished inThe RiffA Primo Playlist for the Upcoming ApocalypseCharge up your batteriesJan 2812Jan 2812
PinnedSuggested Production Notes for a Mid-20th Century American Dramatic PlayTo be staged indefinitely until the end of timeJan 304Jan 304
PinnedPublished inCancer Sucks, so Let’s Talk About It MoreCancer Sucks, So Let’s Talk About it More: a New PublicationI don’t exactly know what I’m doing, but I think this space is neededJan 515Jan 515
PinnedPublished inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Steffany RitchieIs this thing on?Aug 30, 202155Aug 30, 202155
I, an 80s Child, Thought the Nerdpocalypse Would Be a Lot More FunThis isn’t the revenge of the nerds I was promisedFeb 78Feb 78
Things that Are Objectively Worse than Whatever Else May Be Going on Right NowThings can always get more terribleJan 2711Jan 2711
Medium Lists: Yay or Nay?I may use them myself but sometimes they seem suspicious as heckJan 246Jan 246
Published inCancer Sucks, so Let’s Talk About It MoreMy Cancer Sucks… Prompt AnswersGetting to know about the sides of cancer we don’t always seeJan 235Jan 235