Bravo and agree with everything you say here. I just returned from America where I overheard a guy on my flight casually drop in a line about how some guy he was dealing with was " a good Christian", sure enough when I saw this man he was wearing an American Flag t-shirt that read "not made in China". It is hard to explain how peculiar these types of "Christian" braggarts sound to people living outside the U.S.. I did not grow up with this myself in America and I dont know where it came from, this self aggrandizing lbh sexist racist and homophobic in many casese brand of alt right "Christianity". I also grew up taking Roe vs. Wade for granted and I am so enraged and heart-sickened by the whole thing. It is women's rights they are removing, women will always get abortions somehow, only now they will have to deal with red state ignorance and hystrionics. I feel this is such a scary moment for America, I cannot believe we are here.