Completely understandable why you wouldn't want to experience it. I have been doing a bit of trying to heal the old inner child during these Covid times, or at least trying to find peace/understanding. In some ways it is easy in that I am essentially estranged from my Dad so I don't get triggered often. This show definitely brought up some deep emotions though. I also have enough happy memories of childhood and my high school years once we'd left that kind of blur the bad stuff out. It's definitely buried to some extent. It's not something I dwell on but I did find this exercise helpful recently where (if you are feeling ok/up for it), you bring up a memory of a time when you were scared/in a bad place as a kid, and in your mind you travel back as your current self, and tell your younger self that they are safe and it is all going to work out ok, until you really feel it. It can be emotional, for sure, there might be guided meditations that do it (I think it was suggested to me in one of them on Youtube). Sorry if this is tmi anyway, thanks for reading!