My 30 Day Exercise Challenge: Update

Steffany Ritchie
7 min readApr 8, 2022

Checking in, after the challenge I set myself to exercise six days a week

A smiling woman exercises at home in front of her laptop
Photo by Tim Samuel:

Well, I figured out the secret to making thirty days fly by — set yourself an ambitious exercise challenge, ignoring the fact you are going away for five days and also in the middle of booking/planning an international trip home. Woopsie!

So yeah, I did not quite meet my target to exercise six days a week for thirty days. The first week went great, as these things always do. I was so full of hope, ambition, and belief in my lazy self climbing off the sofa long enough to break a sweat.

Cat appears to make a laughing face!
Photo by Amir Ghoorchiani:

I kid, in actual fact, I think I did…ok. I exercised a total of twenty out of thirty days. So I missed my target by six days. I would say that is not completely awful for someone who was really in an exercise slump.

The worst lapse was when I went out of town to visit my in-laws. We did get in a few short walks with them, but they probably all added up to about one of my usual walks.

I underestimated how tired I would be after the trip as well, it is only a couple of hours away by train but I am not used to going anywhere or doing anything much since Covid. I…



Steffany Ritchie

Nicheless. American in Scotland. Publisher of "Cancer Sucks, So Let's Talk About it More"