There really has been a sea change culturally with how we treat trauma, I tend to agree that trigger warnings don't accomplish much in my experience. They mostly seem to be used by hurt people to lash out at other people and re-victimize themselves, adding more pain and anger to the world for what end. I do have triggers with unexpected loud noises, I have asked my husband at points to not raise his voice over trivial stuff (he's not really angry, it's just he was raised in a loud, unsubtle shouty house) or to respect when my startle response seems overreactive, it's something I never really knew about myself until I lived with a man. Once or twice when I write on certain topics I may throw in a trigger warning but it's usually pretty obvious from the title so it can seem excessive. I think with sexual assault in film it's annoying - like has any film ever portrayed it in a way that wasn't exploitative? The warnings feel meaningless to me. The only show I ever saw that felt like it wasn't exploitative of sexual assault was Unbreakable on Netflix.