This must be so exhausting and stressful, I hope it passes soon. If the palo santo doesn't work for some reason maybe try a nightlight or some ambient noise or (humor me) a dreamcatcher. My Mom has authentic ones and they always help me sleep better (um I should really get one myself, doh!). I don't suffer nightmares too often though. Also certain crystals like howlite and amethyst are meant to be good for sleep (although for some reason amethyst actually makes me hyper, I am a weirdo!). I also find Caribbean calcite very calming. Sorry if this is all a little "out there". I know sleeping pills aren't great the longer you take them, even melatonin can give me weird dreams. Also maybe a lavender sage spray or candle might be good. I hope the bad dreams pass soon, they tend to be cyclical/come in bunches in my experience, I don't know why.