Ugh, I felt this in my soul. I have always felt like a mark, one time in college as the local Jesus saves people approached me, walking in a group of people, for the millionth time, I said to my friend "Why is it always me?" and she said I just have one of those faces lol. I guess finance bros must be desperate these days, I have never heard of a legit finance guy haranguing people like this (I did work a little in the field in my twenties just as a temp/also my first job out of college was at a mutual funds investment company, it was not for me though). Nowadays I mostly get Facebook mlm b.s., that is really the most insidious social selling going on right now imo and I had a falling out with a cousin over it when I was seemingly the only person she'd ever met who told her it was a pyramid scheme. These people have to be stopped in their tracks sometimes, well done for standing up for yourself!