Unfortunately I think this ship has well and truly sailed, at least in terms of reclaiming the words body positivity as anything beyond what it has been diluted to be by thin white women. I only discovered it a few years ago and it was already being overtaken then. The catch 22 being I would not have discovered it or quit diet culture or prioritized healing my relationship with food and my body were it not for the now much maligned (in some spaces) reverse before and afters of eating disorder accounts. As a "small fat" the (understandable imo) radicalism of the fat acceptance crowd excludes anyone even trying to understand or support them these days, it has become an unwelcome space for many who just sit on the sidelines and try to heal our own selves. I have triple checked and owned my own thin privilege, I have written numerous blog posts that don't feature my body as that would be taking up space not meant for me. I have done everything I can to try to learn and be better, but the ugly tone of many fat activists has alienated people like me who did want to try to make the movement more than just an echo chamber. I don't blame them, it's in no one's benefit to see a size 10 model in a body positive campaign hashtagged brave because she has cellulite or a tiny tummy roll, that is how pathetically warped our society has become though that that tiny nothing has become seen as radical change by the mainstream. Ah sorry for the tangent! Unfortunately most people who co-opt body positivity really give zero fucks and I don't see that changing.