What Does Chemotherapy Feel Like?

Steffany Ritchie
15 min readApr 5, 2022

Real talk, for anyone interested.

Photo by Rok Romih from Pexels

“What does chemotherapy feel like?” is the second most searched Google term relating to chemotherapy. Call this a shameless exercise in SEO auto-filling, if you wish.

For me, chemo was eighteen years ago now: I went through it between December 2003 and the end of May 2004. I was twenty-eight at the time of diagnosis, twenty-nine when I finished. I still remember much of it vividly, possibly aided by many stunted attempts at writing about it.

The experience of living through cancer is so surreal that I imagine most people aren’t completely present in their bodies/right minds during it. I know I wasn’t.

You don’t want to think about it too much, you try to distract yourself, but obviously, everything is a reminder, and for the next several months to a year especially, your life is going to revolve around your cancer treatment.

Do people who aren’t going through it really care what chemo feels like?

Well, whatever, I am writing this as much for anyone with questions who might be about to go through it or has been through it and is thinking how effed up it is they can’t talk about it in gory detail because that is too scary for most people.



Steffany Ritchie

Hi, I write memoir, humor, music, and pop culture. American in Scotland.