What's most disturbing to me is that doom and gloom is so popular here, as you say we have all had a shit time of it on our own way, and while I sometimes write about un-sunshiney things in my life or relate to others' real stories that resonate, the marketing of doomsday is a bridge too far for me personally. No I won't live off of dried legumes and wipe my arse with newspaper, it won't make a damn bit of difference if we're honest while billionaires take 10 minute jet rides every day (I "do my bit" I swear but I read some of this authors recommendatiosn for how to live life and they sound like something post apocalyptic in their grim-ness). By the way Always Sunny In Philadelphia is the opposite of it's title, not sure if you have seen it but it's pretty hilarious I think! 😉.