You made it! Excellent stuff. Quite a few of these passed me by, and I admit films like Slumdog and A Star is born that are super zeitgeisty and impossible to avoid spoilers with tend to fall to the bottom of my watch list, perhaps unfairly. I love Hunt for the Wilderpeople, it's such a sweet film. I think I would like Tree of Life in the right mood, and Victoria sounds amazing. I will never get Inception, I mean the appeal of it. Like I get it but it just all seems a bit much lol. I am not the target audience, I felt the same way about Fight Club. I do like other trickster-y films but when they get all existential and pretentious they lose me. I know many others disagree though! I met my horror nemesis in Babadook, I can handle most things but wow it was too much for me. I know it's supposed to be great once you get it though, as you attest so well here. Maybe someday lol.